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Hello Art Lovers, Learn to Paint With Me at Braitman Studio!

Updated: Dec 18, 2018

I am excited to announce that I will be teaching the Fundamentals of Painting course at Braitman Studios; it is a 12-week course for beginners. Although this session is full, check out the website if you have any interest in next session at


Painting plein air on a beautiful day is inspiring.


Paintings since my last newsletter.

This first painting is my friend's dog. If you have a pet you would like painted for a gift, I am taking commissions for Christmas now.


Merit award winner announced.

I was pleased to learn that Art Muse Contest awarded me a merit award for my nest painting below. If you are an artist, check them out at or on instagram at @artmusecontest. Great way to get some recognition.


Art tip of the day: the value of a notan.

In Japanese,  notan  means “dark/light.” The term refers to the harmony that results from the arrangement of dark and light spaces within the composition of the painting. Thinking of the light and shadow in any piece allows you to see the larger shapes and patterns as well as help determine a good composition. See below for an example of how reducing a scene or image to just its darks and lights can help illuminate the composition. A good way to practice? Squint your eyes to help blur the image into just lights and darks. And, there is an app for that too. Download Notanizer and play with it. It is free.

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." 

â Mahatma Gandhi

Where to find my art in Charlotte: Alexander Scott Interiors Three French Hens The Good News Shop at Christ Church Cotswold Marketplace Be sure to follow me on Instagram to see my latest work. Visit my website or call me for more information on new and available paintings.


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